Upcoming dates

Open Days and Seed Swap on the SiT community allotment, 11am-3pm Hamstel Road allotments. Ok, next open days😊

Sun 6/8 10-12 host Kamil
Sat 12/8 host Duncan,
Sat 26/8 host Kamil
Sat 9/9 host Duncan
Sat 23/9 host Kamil
Sat 30/9 host TBC

Other events at: http://www.fb.com/EcoDays.TrustLinks and https://www.facebook.com/GreeningSouthend and https://www.facebook.com/TheBigGreenDiarySouthEssex

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Clay paint and grey DIY greenhouse

Spontaneous visit with Clive and kids.

Greenhouse got supports for shelves and the rafters for the roof are cut to size. Stored wood coming in handy. Girls emptied the pond and watered with the rich fluid plants all around. Happy fish indeed. Then after the ice
Creams it was time for them to work on painting the pergola. Seeing the paint dry I finally recalled it was clay paint I produced last year and not wood conservation paint πŸ˜‚πŸŽ¨ but they had lots of fun and continued their on plot education.

See you Easter Monday πŸ‡πŸ°

Duncan followed up on the donated greenhouse and extended our current one beautifully. Water buts, shelving and self watering features to be followed up on. Nice one mateπŸ‘

Week ending on the plot

So what did we achieve :)?
Fiona and Lea set out the tables with goodies and welcomed our visitors. Lea took a million photos of us and nature to cherish, Duncan, James and Edward cracked on with the wood store, Gaynor, Heather, Lea, Kacper, Michaela and more friends weeded bed after bed after bed, Kamil started sorting our storage and cleaning up. We enjoyed a beautiful meal, Fiona and Alicja made it a special occasion. Kids being kids enjoyed each other and played while also getting stuck in here and there. Iwona took on a plot next door and popped in with her family. Overall we had 18 people, 6 plot sign ups
and my step counter showed 23k steps. Not bad in a days work 😊

On Sunday it was lovely to see friends from before the pandemic. The little one helped us empty the pond for the dishes and plants enjoyed the nutrient dense water. We swapped seeds and stories. Ed came on board and cleared the remaining prunings and planted our artichokes so they can continue to bless us into the coming yearπŸ™πŸ˜‰. Good conversations about wellbeing, health and importance of pacing. Kamil continued with the sort out, clear out. Bridget and her friend came not long after and helped clear the perennial kale bed and stayed on to feed them with the compost tea. Oh what brave souls πŸ˜πŸ™

Bridget did an interview for her research related to sustainable food systems.

We could not do this without everyone’s help making the plot accessible to everyone

Woodwork and lots more

Update from the 5/2:Great work all indeed, Heather and Bethany cleared one of the beds, strawberries got spaced out nicely, learning to do it for the first time and doing great. Clive prepped wood and anchors for the pergola from rescued timber, Betty, Nella and Grace invented all sorts of games in the makeshift club house. Good to see Steve who helped me finish the playground frame and started on the sanding. Piotr then came to the rescue and we fitted additional all sorts swingy thingy tested with approval by Amelia and Nella. We topped of with some bunting and wood cutting. Not bad for a work session.

Update from the 30/1:

Heather came and beavered away at branch processing, finishing the pile! I faffed about with greenhouse levels…
Susan and son Sam caught the end of the session but hope to get involved next one.

Pruning, cutting, bagging

Good day, Dave cutting down and bagging up post pruning, Duncan getting vine grape in order, planting twigs and delivering compost, I was climbing trees and extending children monkey gym frame. Two separate visits from Louise who wants to pop in with kids regularly and Anne and Heather who wanted to come and help out as well. Best of it all they both love Jerusalem artichoke, I think I will weep from happiness to find fellow souls πŸ˜‚ extra promotion making a difference share on social media and bring friends along.

Enjoy Trust Links Wassailing today

Compost bathing 21/8

Buzzing on the plot. The girls painted the new swing frame and made it more encouraging πŸ˜πŸŽ‰as before it looked a bit mighty and stern. They played, drawn and crafted the rest of the day.

Duncan found joy in sifting a tonne of compost and bagged up it awaits its use patiently. Steve joined in between preparing for the next XR actions and lend a hand to us. Join the movement details below.

Tilly found a lot of uses for the wild plants while weeding. Plenty of leaves stalks, roots and seeds to work withπŸ€”πŸ΄

Fiona found lots and lots of beans growing, the yellow and green variety. It seemed like we planted them just last week but the warmth and rains spurred them on:)

We harvested first leaves from the perennial kales planted this year, they are nearly filling out the netted cages we built for them. They might reach two meters so we will have some DIY aheadπŸ’ͺ😊.

Perennial leeks were growing well, cant wait till autumn for the first harvest. I gave them some nutrition using our tad stinky compost teaπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜’ and placed the muck around the plants . That should keep them going for a while. Look out for upcoming sessions